May Mona Lisa of the Month

A Labor of Love in Lake Forest

In the words of Divinci Project Manager Jovanni Abundez, “It was one like no other.” Here’s how his team completed this gleaming finished look! “The team started the job by cleaning every surface before sanding. Sanding is done so the primer will grip the surface better. After the primer grain filler is applied to the wood, the drywall (white color) was skim coated to a smooth look. Once the grain filler is sanded, we prime again. We then check for any detailing we missed or anything that needs to be corrected before coating with paint. Those small details will get spot primed and sanded after. This is also when all the caulking happens before painting. After all this, the entire room gets vacuumed and wiped clean with tack cloths, and finally, we’re ready for the first coat of paint! The next day, after the first coat dries fully, everything gets sanded again and the second coat gets applied. The painting process is much faster since all the preparation and intensive work was completed the day before. To obtain a high-quality result like this, preparation is the most important part of all!

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